General Recommendations for Using the Website.

Welcome to! To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all users, we would like to provide some general recommendations for using our website. Please read the following guidelines carefully:

  1. Respect and Proper Conduct:

• Be respectful to other users and treat everyone with courtesy. Do not post offensive, discriminatory, defamatory, or harmful content.
• Avoid heated arguments, insults, or provocative behavior. • Stay within legal and ethical boundaries, avoiding copyright violations, invasion of privacy, and any illegal activities.

  1. Appropriate Content:

• Ensure that all content you share or publish is suitable for all ages.
• Avoid violent, pornographic, explicit, or content that may cause discomfort or offend other users.

  1. Privacy and Security:

• Protect your personal information and avoid sharing it publicly.
• Do not provide confidential information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or bank account details anywhere on the site.
• Be vigilant about potential scams or phishing schemes and report any suspicious activity.

  1. Responsible Use:

• Use the site according to its intended purposes and functionalities. This is an institutional website. Avoid any abusive use that may overload the infrastructure or hinder the experience of other users.
• Do not attempt to access restricted areas of the site or engage in activities that may compromise its security or integrity without proper authorization.

  1. Constructive Communication:

• When participating in discussions, comments, or interactions with other users, maintain constructive and contributive communication.
• Respect others’ opinions, even if they differ from your own. Avoid spam or excessive self-promotion.

  1. Reporting and Feedback:

•If you come across inappropriate, suspicious, or content that violates these recommendations, please report it immediately through our contact form.
• If you have suggestions, comments, or complaints about the website, feel free to send us feedback. We value your opinion and will work to continuously improve.
By using Salsa Technology, you agree to follow these general recommendations. We reserve the right to take appropriate actions, including suspending or terminating accounts, to ensure compliance with these guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation, and we wish you a pleasant and enriching experience on our site!

Best regards, Salsa Technology Team